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1 Hour Delivery Slots Available

This applies to UK laptop deliveries only.

You will be notified by email when we despatch your order and given advance notification of the delivery date (usually next working day).

Early on the morning of delivery you will be sent an email from Interlink Express specifying the time of delivery during that day. You will also be sent a text message (if you supply us with your mobile telephone number) with the same information and the name of the driver! You will given a 1 hour slot (eg. 10am-11am) so you don't have to stay in all day. In our experience this delivery estimate is very accurate.

When you are sent the email on the delivery date you are given the option in that email to contact Interlink Express to change the delivery date.

Click on this link to see a video of how Interlink's "Predict" service works:

"Interlink Express - Predict system"